Posts tagged garden
Ep. 114- The Perennial Garden- Selecting the Right Plants

This week, Nathan helps guide you through selecting the best perennial plants for your perennial garden! Perennial plants are those wonderful garden tenants that survive year after year for several years- no annual replanting needed!

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Ep. 106- Growing Peonies and Flower Inflorescence

This week, Nathan dispels the myth that growing peonies in the South is impossible. We can grow peonies and we can grow them well! Listen as Nathan gives his top tips for success! Then, he turns his attention to the shape of flowers and their

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Ep. 94- Great Perennials for Spring Planting

Don't let winter slow down your gardening! On today's show, Nathan discusses great perennial plants to think of planting in spring. He talks about Agastache, Columbine, Butterfly Weed, False Indigo, Garden Pinks, Joe Pye Weed, Perennial Geraniums,

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Ep. 93- Garden Structures and How to Use Them

This week, we add some structure to your garden! Plants and plant problems are always nice to talk about, but what about the "skeleton" of the garden? Adding hardscaping to your landscape can help create intrigue and a sense of place.

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Ep. 86- Tips for Fall Planting

Fall is THE BEST time for planting most plants in the south. But what's the best method for most success? Nathan takes you on a planting journey from turning that "nothing" landscape or bed into something beautiful! From clearing weeds,

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Ep. 84- Gardening with Kids Revisited, Picking the Best Laurel, and Sunlight for Fruit Trees

This week we venture into the New Southern Garden Mailbag and answer your questions! First, Nathan reminds you how cultivating kids and their interest in the garden is just as important as cultivating the garden itself. Then, we take a trip to

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Ep. 83- Gardening with Shades of Green

Underappreciated and underused. That's the sad state of the color green in the garden. But not anymore! On this week's episode, Nathan reveals the power and drama that shades of green can provide in your landscape. He classifies these

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Ep. 67- Clay Soil, Invasive Plants, Pink Hydrangeas, Woodland Garden Plants, and Gardenias

How terrible is clay soil, really? Nathan dispels myths about clay and gives you the dirt on benefits of clay-based soils. He also defines what an invasive plant really is and lists some, unfortunately, common examples. How can you turn blue

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Ep. 58- The Meaning of Flowers with Monique Evancic

Did you know there's a meaning behind most every flower and plant? During the Victorian days, people began giving plants and flowers meanings to communicate with others without even using words. On today's program, Monique Evancic with SeedPlayLove, shares with us her research on the meaning of flowers. From rhododendrons to

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Ep. 57- Tree Staking, Fertilizer Debates, and Nitrogen Robbing

In this episode of New Southern Garden, Nathan tackles several garden myths that you probably believe. After encouraging doubters to take action and start a garden during another emotional garden rant, Nathan begins a discussion on staking and not staking trees. Should trees be staked? If so, for how long? Nathan explains it all. Then he gets

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Half Episode 56: Creating a Sense of Place

Welcome to New Southern Garden's first half-episode! These new bonus episodes are meant to keep you engaged in your garden during the week! During this half-episode, Nathan expands upon topics from the previous show to give you more detail and also talks a bit about the importance of creating a sense of place in your space. Join us

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Ep. 50- Intro to Conservation Gardening

What is Conservation Gardening? We have to recognize that deforestation and construction are reducing our forests and woodlands. As gardeners, we have a responsibility to conserve and cultivate nature. By preventing further damage to woodlands and improving weakened areas, you, the gardener, are nature's first defense. Let Nathan introduce you to a new method of gardening and build a case for nature to take center stage. Be sure to tune in next week when he describes 10 steps to creating a conservation garden.

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Ep. 48- 5 Steps to a New Garden

A new year. A new decade. A new garden! Let's turn that empty, overgrown area in your landscape and turn it into a lush oasis retreat! Don't just jump out and start planting though. Take Nathan's advice and use these five steps to bring about the most success in your new garden venture. What a great way to start making 2020 the best garden you've ever had!

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Ep. 37- Q&A Week September

Wow! Another month of 2019 is gone! But there are plenty of gardening jobs to get done this fall! On this episode of New Southern Garden, Nathan answers your questions about fall gardening! Richard asks what kinds of plants, edibles and ornamentals, he can plant with his 6-year old in her very own raised bed! Mary wants to know what she can do to make her fall and winter gardens the best they've ever been while Jack thinks he want to plant burning bush for fall color. (Be sure to find out what Nathan thinks of that.) Lastly, middle schooler Elizabeth wants to know why and how leaves turn colors in the fall. Great science question, Elizabeth! Don't forget to check out www. and have your garden questions answered next month!

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Ep. 28- Super Powers of Plants

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it Superman? Nope. It's just a plant. But inside every plant resides a number of super powers that would put the Incredible Hulk's to shame. These super powers help a plant grow and do things that defy even gravity! Join Nathan as he explains a few of these super powers and how you can put them to work for you to grow your best garden ever.

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Ep. 26- Top 10 Organic Pest Controls- Part 1

Well. It's getting hot. Which means our gardens are reaching their growing peak! But it's not just the plants that are growing. Insects and diseases are growing wild too. Yikes!

In this episode of New Southern Garden, Nathan takes you on a journey through biological warfare- using natural and organic controls from Bonide to help keep insects and fungus at bay. He not only talks about the control products but discusses the active ingredients they contain and how they work. Nature destroying's gardening at its finest!

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