Posts tagged plants
Ep. 157- 4 Critical Characteristics When Buying Plants

This week, Nathan answers Frank's question about what characteristics to look for while shopping for plants to make an outstanding display in the garden. Nathan starts by listing out what to look for in a healthy plant, but then switches directions and talks about

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Ep. 101- Gardening with Hellebores

Hellebores, or Lenten Rose, are unusual plants that keep their leaves all year and bloom in the dead of winter! If you don't have hellebores in your garden, you should! Nathan helps you get started with a full episode on the history, species, tips for growing,

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Ep. 100- New Year, New Garden (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from last week on New Year, New Garden, Nathan discusses more detailed areas of the garden with new ideas to try. How do you feel about adding some topiary into the landscape? Remember, topiary is that style of pruning that

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Ep. 99- New Year, New Garden (Part 1)

Welcome to gardening in 2021! It's a new year, so let's try some new things in the garden. Make your 2021 New Year's Resolution to garden NEW! This week, Nathan gives you things to think about before you start something new in the landscape.

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Ep. 94- Great Perennials for Spring Planting

Don't let winter slow down your gardening! On today's show, Nathan discusses great perennial plants to think of planting in spring. He talks about Agastache, Columbine, Butterfly Weed, False Indigo, Garden Pinks, Joe Pye Weed, Perennial Geraniums,

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Ep. 86- Tips for Fall Planting

Fall is THE BEST time for planting most plants in the south. But what's the best method for most success? Nathan takes you on a planting journey from turning that "nothing" landscape or bed into something beautiful! From clearing weeds,

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Ep. 83- Gardening with Shades of Green

Underappreciated and underused. That's the sad state of the color green in the garden. But not anymore! On this week's episode, Nathan reveals the power and drama that shades of green can provide in your landscape. He classifies these

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Ep. 79- 6 Steps to A New Landscape (Part 1)

In this episode of New Southern Garden, Nathan helps lead you through six simple steps to start a new landscape. Whether you are looking to redo an entire wasteland, an overgrown site, a veggie plot, or just a new bed, Nathan makes

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Ep. 78- Persimmon, Arizona Cypress, Chaste Tree, and Euphorbia

This week Nathan discusses some strange and unusual plants. Even though they’re not super common, they can add drama and uniqueness to your garden! Persimmons are well known but not often used. They have great disease resistance,

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Ep. 64- Q&A- Moving Peonies, Tree Damage, Cedar-Apple Rust, Azalea Leaf Gall

Another glorious spring episode to answer your gardening questions! This week, Nathan helps Jayne with making a big move from near Canada to Central Florida! She wants to take with her her mother's peonies that were planted in 1952

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Ep. 58- The Meaning of Flowers with Monique Evancic

Did you know there's a meaning behind most every flower and plant? During the Victorian days, people began giving plants and flowers meanings to communicate with others without even using words. On today's program, Monique Evancic with SeedPlayLove, shares with us her research on the meaning of flowers. From rhododendrons to

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Ep. 54- Top 5 Really Beautiful, Horrible Plants

This week, Nathan continues spreading the truth about plants, whether you like it or not! Even some of our most beloved plants have their issues. Nathan holds no truths back about them! From flowering cherry trees to Leyland Cypress, Colorado Blue Spruce, Flowering Dogwood, and winter Daphne, he let's you know the problems with

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Ep. 49- Winter Gardening Do's and Don'ts

Winter isn't coming. It's here. Don't just wrap up warmly and hibernate though. Plenty of jobs need to be done in the garden over winter! This week, Nathan discusses the Do's and Don'ts for winter gardening. Planning and designing your landscape, planting, propagating, mulching, and weeding can keep you busy before spring. However, now is not a good time to water regularly, prune, or fertilize. Nathan walks you through the winter garden guiding you on what you should and shouldn't be doing...and the reasons why!

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Ep. 48- 5 Steps to a New Garden

A new year. A new decade. A new garden! Let's turn that empty, overgrown area in your landscape and turn it into a lush oasis retreat! Don't just jump out and start planting though. Take Nathan's advice and use these five steps to bring about the most success in your new garden venture. What a great way to start making 2020 the best garden you've ever had!

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Ep. 34- Q&A Week August

Summer’s gonna be over before we know it and now is the time to be preparing for fall! Nathan answers your questions that have been burning a hole in your gardening to-do list so that you can get things done and be more successful! Today, he answers questions about growing avocados, dealing with overgrown shrubs, and trying to get the best bang-for-your-buck with flowering plants! Be sure to listen close and send a question for next month’s Q&A week at

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Ep. 33- Rejuvenate Your Garden for Fall

What if we could turn back time and have those fresh green leaves and bright flowers of spring? Summer has been rough on our gardens but don't give up on getting the best look it's had yet! In this episode, Nathan explains reasons why your plants look so bad this time of year and ways that you can rejuvenate them so your fall garden looks its best! Don't miss this episode because you will be missing out on some timely information!

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Ep. 28- Super Powers of Plants

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it Superman? Nope. It's just a plant. But inside every plant resides a number of super powers that would put the Incredible Hulk's to shame. These super powers help a plant grow and do things that defy even gravity! Join Nathan as he explains a few of these super powers and how you can put them to work for you to grow your best garden ever.

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