Posts tagged tomato
Ep. 108- Growing Vegetables: Notes From My Grandfather

This week, Nathan journeys back a couple of decades to a time when his grandfather helped him plant his first vegetable garden. From soil prep to planting specific types of vegetables, he discusses tips and ideas he gleaned from a previous generation

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Ep. 76- Blossom End Rot Continued, The Nutrient Cycle, and Organic vs. Conventional Fertilizers

Have you noticed nasty wet spots on the blossom end of your tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and squashes? Don’t worry, Nathan helps you solve the problems of your Blossom End Rot issues! He explains what’s going on with them and gives

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Ep. 75- Percolation Test, Plant Hormones, and Blossom End Rot

On this week's episode, Nathan helps you determine if your gardening soil has good drainage or poor drainage. A simple percolation test can help you discover how quickly (or slowly) water moves through your soil. Wet soil is usually

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Ep. 63- Improving Soil, Planting Tomatoes, Azalea Lacebug, and Summerizing Houseplants

This week Nathan tackles a few topics that will make your garden the best it's ever been! He starts by going on a garden rant about builders and their "good dirt".--which isn't very good for gardening. Nathan tells you different ways to improve

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Ep. 61- Vegetables for the Apocalypse

With cultural changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it makes you wonder what an apocalyptic world might look like. We've seen it in the movies, but what about real life? If grocery stores run out of food, what are you going to eat? Don't fear! Nathan

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Ep. 57- Tree Staking, Fertilizer Debates, and Nitrogen Robbing

In this episode of New Southern Garden, Nathan tackles several garden myths that you probably believe. After encouraging doubters to take action and start a garden during another emotional garden rant, Nathan begins a discussion on staking and not staking trees. Should trees be staked? If so, for how long? Nathan explains it all. Then he gets

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Ep. 35- How-to Grow Fruits Part One

In this episode of New Southern Garden, Nathan takes you into the fruit orchard of your landscape! He discusses what exactly a fruit is, factors that affect pollination of flowers, and why some fruits need a "mate." Be sure to keep New Southern Garden on your radar, because this is going to be an exciting series of shows that help you produce the best fruits you've ever had!

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