Posts tagged hosta
Ep. 240- Colorize Your Shady Spaces

This week, Nathan helps you brighten your shady spaces! Many folks think that shade is a curse or plague in the landscape, with few options available. That's just not true. Nathan will help you embrace your shady garden and embolden you to make bold

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Ep. 122- Growing Hawaii at Home

Nathan just HAD to go to Hawaii over the past week for a family wedding. It just couldn't be helped. He had to go. But he came home with his observations of this tropical locale including the landscapes and plants he saw. Nathan was further inspired

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Ep. 67- Clay Soil, Invasive Plants, Pink Hydrangeas, Woodland Garden Plants, and Gardenias

How terrible is clay soil, really? Nathan dispels myths about clay and gives you the dirt on benefits of clay-based soils. He also defines what an invasive plant really is and lists some, unfortunately, common examples. How can you turn blue

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