Posts tagged arizona cypress
Ep. 126- Covering a View and Covering the Ground with Plants

Get your coverage on! This week, Nathan talks about plants that work well to cover an unsightly view or cover and protect the soil. From arborvitaes to tea olives, Nathan talks about plants that grow large enough to create a screen or hedge to

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Ep. 83- Gardening with Shades of Green

Underappreciated and underused. That's the sad state of the color green in the garden. But not anymore! On this week's episode, Nathan reveals the power and drama that shades of green can provide in your landscape. He classifies these

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Ep. 78- Persimmon, Arizona Cypress, Chaste Tree, and Euphorbia

This week Nathan discusses some strange and unusual plants. Even though they’re not super common, they can add drama and uniqueness to your garden! Persimmons are well known but not often used. They have great disease resistance,

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