Posts tagged sustainability
Ep. 53- 10 Steps to Conservation Gardening (Part 2)

Be sure not to miss the third and final installment of our discussion on Conservation Gardening! In this episode, Nathan talks about his final steps to making your garden more sustainable and nature-friendly. He encourages you to plant wildly and prune with nature in mind. Knowing the difference between useful plants and noxious weeds is

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Ep. 50- Intro to Conservation Gardening

What is Conservation Gardening? We have to recognize that deforestation and construction are reducing our forests and woodlands. As gardeners, we have a responsibility to conserve and cultivate nature. By preventing further damage to woodlands and improving weakened areas, you, the gardener, are nature's first defense. Let Nathan introduce you to a new method of gardening and build a case for nature to take center stage. Be sure to tune in next week when he describes 10 steps to creating a conservation garden.

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