Posts tagged planting
Ep. 91- Q&A Week- Blackberry, Rose Sawfly, and East Asian Joro Spider

This week, Nathan's back to answering your questions! David from Alabama asks about the best way to build a bed for blackberries and how to keep them disease-free and growing great! Nathan discusses a nemesis of roses known as the Rose

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Ep. 86- Tips for Fall Planting

Fall is THE BEST time for planting most plants in the south. But what's the best method for most success? Nathan takes you on a planting journey from turning that "nothing" landscape or bed into something beautiful! From clearing weeds,

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Ep. 80- 6 Steps to A New Landscape (Part 2)

In this week's episode, the fun begins! Nathan continues his six steps to a new landscape and we start to plant! Preparing the site is a critical step before planting. Making sure weeds are cleared, removing obstructions, amending the soil, and

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Ep. 56- Lying Landscapers, Soil Amendment, Fescue Overseeding, and Gardenia Cuttings

This week is Q&A Week! Your questions, our answers. Your problems, our solutions! First Nathan rants about landscapers who are trying to scam ya! Be careful when dealing with these so-called "landscapers." Maggie asks if she should add soil amendment to her planting hole. Carl wants to over seed his fescue lawn this spring and Jenny wants

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Ep. 53- 10 Steps to Conservation Gardening (Part 2)

Be sure not to miss the third and final installment of our discussion on Conservation Gardening! In this episode, Nathan talks about his final steps to making your garden more sustainable and nature-friendly. He encourages you to plant wildly and prune with nature in mind. Knowing the difference between useful plants and noxious weeds is

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Ep. 49- Winter Gardening Do's and Don'ts

Winter isn't coming. It's here. Don't just wrap up warmly and hibernate though. Plenty of jobs need to be done in the garden over winter! This week, Nathan discusses the Do's and Don'ts for winter gardening. Planning and designing your landscape, planting, propagating, mulching, and weeding can keep you busy before spring. However, now is not a good time to water regularly, prune, or fertilize. Nathan walks you through the winter garden guiding you on what you should and shouldn't be doing...and the reasons why!

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Ep. 33- Rejuvenate Your Garden for Fall

What if we could turn back time and have those fresh green leaves and bright flowers of spring? Summer has been rough on our gardens but don't give up on getting the best look it's had yet! In this episode, Nathan explains reasons why your plants look so bad this time of year and ways that you can rejuvenate them so your fall garden looks its best! Don't miss this episode because you will be missing out on some timely information!

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Ep. 31- Complete Lawn Guide Part 2

In this episode, Nathan dissects the keys to success in growing a lawn! After ending with the best way to build a planting bed for your lawn in the previous episode, Nathan picks up with different methods in planting a lawn, post-planting care, lawn renovation, and winter over-seeding. Be sure to check out the final installment of the Complete Lawn Guide in the next episode!

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