Posts tagged soil
Ep. 108- Growing Vegetables: Notes From My Grandfather

This week, Nathan journeys back a couple of decades to a time when his grandfather helped him plant his first vegetable garden. From soil prep to planting specific types of vegetables, he discusses tips and ideas he gleaned from a previous generation

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Ep. 71- Buttonbush, Weeds in Liriope, and Best Watering Practices

This week, Nathan helps out with preparing your garden for drought! First up, he describes the awesomeness of the American Buttonbush which can be used and planted in standing water and wet soils. Penny has a question about ridding

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Ep. 70- Shasta Daisy, Slugs and Snails, Mummy Berry, and Poison Ivy

Another week of garden problems but Nathan's got solutions for you! After describing a classic but irresistible perennial plant called Shasta Daisy, Nathan jumps to the mailbag and answers questions concerning everything from dealing

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Ep. 67- Clay Soil, Invasive Plants, Pink Hydrangeas, Woodland Garden Plants, and Gardenias

How terrible is clay soil, really? Nathan dispels myths about clay and gives you the dirt on benefits of clay-based soils. He also defines what an invasive plant really is and lists some, unfortunately, common examples. How can you turn blue

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Ep. 63- Improving Soil, Planting Tomatoes, Azalea Lacebug, and Summerizing Houseplants

This week Nathan tackles a few topics that will make your garden the best it's ever been! He starts by going on a garden rant about builders and their "good dirt".--which isn't very good for gardening. Nathan tells you different ways to improve

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Half Episode 56: Creating a Sense of Place

Welcome to New Southern Garden's first half-episode! These new bonus episodes are meant to keep you engaged in your garden during the week! During this half-episode, Nathan expands upon topics from the previous show to give you more detail and also talks a bit about the importance of creating a sense of place in your space. Join us

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Ep. 56- Lying Landscapers, Soil Amendment, Fescue Overseeding, and Gardenia Cuttings

This week is Q&A Week! Your questions, our answers. Your problems, our solutions! First Nathan rants about landscapers who are trying to scam ya! Be careful when dealing with these so-called "landscapers." Maggie asks if she should add soil amendment to her planting hole. Carl wants to over seed his fescue lawn this spring and Jenny wants

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Ep. 36- How-to Grow Fruits Part Two

This week, we continue our journey into the fabulous world of fruit crops! Nathan discusses the importance of thinning your fruit trees to be sure you yield large fruits and talks about why some years are better and not others. Then, he switches gears from fruit plants and talks about the fruits themselves. Nathan discusses the parts of fruits and the different types of fruits. Need to know how to determine the best site for building a fruit orchard? That's exactly where Nathan leaves off in this episode and will pick up in Part Three!

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