Posts tagged landscape design
Ep. 49- Winter Gardening Do's and Don'ts

Winter isn't coming. It's here. Don't just wrap up warmly and hibernate though. Plenty of jobs need to be done in the garden over winter! This week, Nathan discusses the Do's and Don'ts for winter gardening. Planning and designing your landscape, planting, propagating, mulching, and weeding can keep you busy before spring. However, now is not a good time to water regularly, prune, or fertilize. Nathan walks you through the winter garden guiding you on what you should and shouldn't be doing...and the reasons why!

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Ep. 48- 5 Steps to a New Garden

A new year. A new decade. A new garden! Let's turn that empty, overgrown area in your landscape and turn it into a lush oasis retreat! Don't just jump out and start planting though. Take Nathan's advice and use these five steps to bring about the most success in your new garden venture. What a great way to start making 2020 the best garden you've ever had!

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Ep. 46- Top Christmas Gifts for Gardeners

Christmas is almost here and you need to get that last minute gift for your gardening friend. Yikes! What's going to suit them best? Nathan gives you his top Christmas gift ideas for those who love to garden. From tools and equipment to book and plants, Nathan's got plenty of ideas that'll rock under the Christmas tree and in the landscape! Check out this episode and order that gift quick! Be sure to leave a review of the show if you love New Southern Garden!

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