Posts tagged organic
Ep. 88- Killing Bradford Pear, Empress Tree, and Chinaberry

Continuing the topic from the previous episode, Nathan describes some beautiful but terrible trees that have proven to be invasive species. Bradford Pear trees scatter across the south in our gardens, but now they are filling our woodlands

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Ep. 69- Q&A Week Agapanthus, Hedges, Weeding, Fireblight, and Wildflower Meadows

On this week's episode, we answer your questions! Nathan first discusses a really cool perennial plant known as Agapanthus, or African Lily. With it's blue, purple, or white globe shaped flowers atop a thin spike that emerges from the

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Ep. 57- Tree Staking, Fertilizer Debates, and Nitrogen Robbing

In this episode of New Southern Garden, Nathan tackles several garden myths that you probably believe. After encouraging doubters to take action and start a garden during another emotional garden rant, Nathan begins a discussion on staking and not staking trees. Should trees be staked? If so, for how long? Nathan explains it all. Then he gets

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Ep. 27- Top 10 Organic Pest Controls- Part 2

Nathan's favorite organic and natural Bonide pesticides are back in this second episode on the topic. He ventures into the world of biological warfare with bacteria bombs, journeys to the bottom of the ocean to find microscopic creatures that ravage insects, and extracts a natural chemical from bacterium that puts bugs out of their minds! Nature battling nature is the most intense war you will ever experience. Now, let's finish this!

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