Posts tagged disease
Ep. 64- Q&A- Moving Peonies, Tree Damage, Cedar-Apple Rust, Azalea Leaf Gall

Another glorious spring episode to answer your gardening questions! This week, Nathan helps Jayne with making a big move from near Canada to Central Florida! She wants to take with her her mother's peonies that were planted in 1952

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Ep. 54- Top 5 Really Beautiful, Horrible Plants

This week, Nathan continues spreading the truth about plants, whether you like it or not! Even some of our most beloved plants have their issues. Nathan holds no truths back about them! From flowering cherry trees to Leyland Cypress, Colorado Blue Spruce, Flowering Dogwood, and winter Daphne, he let's you know the problems with

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Ep. 38- How to Grow Fruit Part Three

If you want the best fruits you've ever grown, be sure to listen to this episode! This third installment of "How to Grow Fruit", touches on topics like chilling hours, pruning and training, and controlling diseases in fruit plants. Don't plant those fruit trees, shrubs, and vines before you heed Nathan's advice!

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Ep. 27- Top 10 Organic Pest Controls- Part 2

Nathan's favorite organic and natural Bonide pesticides are back in this second episode on the topic. He ventures into the world of biological warfare with bacteria bombs, journeys to the bottom of the ocean to find microscopic creatures that ravage insects, and extracts a natural chemical from bacterium that puts bugs out of their minds! Nature battling nature is the most intense war you will ever experience. Now, let's finish this!

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Ep. 26- Top 10 Organic Pest Controls- Part 1

Well. It's getting hot. Which means our gardens are reaching their growing peak! But it's not just the plants that are growing. Insects and diseases are growing wild too. Yikes!

In this episode of New Southern Garden, Nathan takes you on a journey through biological warfare- using natural and organic controls from Bonide to help keep insects and fungus at bay. He not only talks about the control products but discusses the active ingredients they contain and how they work. Nature destroying's gardening at its finest!

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