Posts tagged fertilizer
Ep. 200- The Nutrient Cycle and Fertilizers

It's almost time to start fertilizing your garden babies! This week, Nathan gives you the scoop on the nutrient cycle, how plant nutrition actually cycles through animal life and back again. He also talks about the pros and cons to organic and commercial

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Ep. 80- 6 Steps to A New Landscape (Part 2)

In this week's episode, the fun begins! Nathan continues his six steps to a new landscape and we start to plant! Preparing the site is a critical step before planting. Making sure weeds are cleared, removing obstructions, amending the soil, and

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Ep. 77- Gardening with Children, Flowers, Tree Trimming, Panicled Hydrangeas, and N-P-K

On this week's show, Nathan reiterates the importance of mentoring children in gardening activities. Education, health, and enjoyment are all important things to focus on when gardening with kids. Does your plant have perfect or imperfect flowers?

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Ep. 76- Blossom End Rot Continued, The Nutrient Cycle, and Organic vs. Conventional Fertilizers

Have you noticed nasty wet spots on the blossom end of your tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and squashes? Don’t worry, Nathan helps you solve the problems of your Blossom End Rot issues! He explains what’s going on with them and gives

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Ep. 57- Tree Staking, Fertilizer Debates, and Nitrogen Robbing

In this episode of New Southern Garden, Nathan tackles several garden myths that you probably believe. After encouraging doubters to take action and start a garden during another emotional garden rant, Nathan begins a discussion on staking and not staking trees. Should trees be staked? If so, for how long? Nathan explains it all. Then he gets

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Ep. 32- Complete Lawn Guide Part 3

In this final episode of our Complete Lawn Guide series, Nathan discusses the maintenance steps you will need to take to keep your lawn looking amazing! Mowing, fertilizing, and watering are just a few of the methods Nathan explains how to do, when to do, and why to do! Hopefully, this final episode of the Complete Lawn Guide will give you the inspiration and know-how to grow your best lawn ever!

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