Posts in Peonies
Ep. 235- Planting Peonies, Staking Trees, Curing Gourds, and Evergreen Trees

This week, Nathan answers more of your gardening questions! Planting and dividing peonies can be nerve racking but Nathan gives you the keys for success in doing it. He also discusses staking trees and harvesting and curing gourds. Then, he lists a number of evergreen trees and shrubs to add winter interest in your landscape!

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Ep. 164- Garden Updates, Rehabilitating Gardenia, Peony Duties, and Plant Names

This week, Nathan discusses a variety of gardening topics. He begins by sharing what all is going on in his veggie garden and some ideas you can employ in your own! Then he goes in a deeper discussion of rejuvenating gardenias that might have been affected

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Ep. 157- 4 Critical Characteristics When Buying Plants

This week, Nathan answers Frank's question about what characteristics to look for while shopping for plants to make an outstanding display in the garden. Nathan starts by listing out what to look for in a healthy plant, but then switches directions and talks about

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Ep. 117- The Perennial Garden: When to Plant

Planting perennial plants at the best time of year will give your new garden tenants the best shot at growing and growing well! This week, Nathan discusses the worst times of year to plant and, of course, the best times! He details the reasons

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Ep. 106- Growing Peonies and Flower Inflorescence

This week, Nathan dispels the myth that growing peonies in the South is impossible. We can grow peonies and we can grow them well! Listen as Nathan gives his top tips for success! Then, he turns his attention to the shape of flowers and their

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