Posts tagged azalea
Ep. 240- Colorize Your Shady Spaces

This week, Nathan helps you brighten your shady spaces! Many folks think that shade is a curse or plague in the landscape, with few options available. That's just not true. Nathan will help you embrace your shady garden and embolden you to make bold

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Ep. 83- Gardening with Shades of Green

Underappreciated and underused. That's the sad state of the color green in the garden. But not anymore! On this week's episode, Nathan reveals the power and drama that shades of green can provide in your landscape. He classifies these

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Ep. 66- Mother's Day, Bermuda Lawn, Dead Branches, Dividing Iris, Pruning Azalea, and Mountain Laurel

Happy Mother's Day! Plants make great gifts so be sure to stop in at a local plant nursery for great options! This week we answer more of your questions from topics as diverse as Bermuda lawn to Mountain Laurel! Nathan also discusses

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Ep. 65- Cheap Landscapers, HOAs, What's Blooming Now, and Hydrangeas

This week on New Southern Garden, Nathan exposes the problem with getting a "cheap landscaper" and tips of figuring out if they are worth the price. Did you know you might have a governmental agency dictating what you can and cannot

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Ep. 64- Q&A- Moving Peonies, Tree Damage, Cedar-Apple Rust, Azalea Leaf Gall

Another glorious spring episode to answer your gardening questions! This week, Nathan helps Jayne with making a big move from near Canada to Central Florida! She wants to take with her her mother's peonies that were planted in 1952

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Ep. 63- Improving Soil, Planting Tomatoes, Azalea Lacebug, and Summerizing Houseplants

This week Nathan tackles a few topics that will make your garden the best it's ever been! He starts by going on a garden rant about builders and their "good dirt".--which isn't very good for gardening. Nathan tells you different ways to improve

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