Ep. 116- The Perennial Garden: Buying Plants and Growth Rates


Episode 116

The Perennial Garden

Buying Plants and Growth Rates

Nathan continues his discussion on the perennial garden in this week's episode as he talks about buying plants! Shopping for plants is always a fun activity! Whether you are buying them at a local plant nursery or through a mail-order nursery, plants that are headed your way always bring excitement! He lets you know what to look for in a healthy and growing perennial plant. Then, he talks about how perennials plants are quite unique in their growth rates and cycles, when compared to other plants like annuals. Join Nathan on our continued adventure into the perennial garden!

Music in this episode:

Back In The Mountains by Brian Brigden

Drifting On by Jeff Andrew

In The Country by Natalie Germann

El Plantador by Baba Brinkman