Posts tagged fruits
Ep. 38- How to Grow Fruit Part Three

If you want the best fruits you've ever grown, be sure to listen to this episode! This third installment of "How to Grow Fruit", touches on topics like chilling hours, pruning and training, and controlling diseases in fruit plants. Don't plant those fruit trees, shrubs, and vines before you heed Nathan's advice!

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Ep. 36- How-to Grow Fruits Part Two

This week, we continue our journey into the fabulous world of fruit crops! Nathan discusses the importance of thinning your fruit trees to be sure you yield large fruits and talks about why some years are better and not others. Then, he switches gears from fruit plants and talks about the fruits themselves. Nathan discusses the parts of fruits and the different types of fruits. Need to know how to determine the best site for building a fruit orchard? That's exactly where Nathan leaves off in this episode and will pick up in Part Three!

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Ep. 35- How-to Grow Fruits Part One

In this episode of New Southern Garden, Nathan takes you into the fruit orchard of your landscape! He discusses what exactly a fruit is, factors that affect pollination of flowers, and why some fruits need a "mate." Be sure to keep New Southern Garden on your radar, because this is going to be an exciting series of shows that help you produce the best fruits you've ever had!

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