Posts tagged shasta daisy
Ep. 72- Variegated Foliage, Xylem and Phloem, and Cutting Gardens

Ever noticed that plants with variegated foliage tend to grow slower and lower? There's a botanical reason why and Nathan explains why it's all based upon plant pigmentation. Also, it's important to know how your plants are built and grow.

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Ep. 70- Shasta Daisy, Slugs and Snails, Mummy Berry, and Poison Ivy

Another week of garden problems but Nathan's got solutions for you! After describing a classic but irresistible perennial plant called Shasta Daisy, Nathan jumps to the mailbag and answers questions concerning everything from dealing

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Ep. 65- Cheap Landscapers, HOAs, What's Blooming Now, and Hydrangeas

This week on New Southern Garden, Nathan exposes the problem with getting a "cheap landscaper" and tips of figuring out if they are worth the price. Did you know you might have a governmental agency dictating what you can and cannot

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