Ep. 71- Buttonbush, Weeds in Liriope, and Best Watering Practices


Episode 71

Buttonbush, Weeds in Liriope, and Best Watering Practices

This week, Nathan helps out with preparing your garden for drought! First up, he describes the awesomeness of the American Buttonbush which can be used and planted in standing water and wet soils. Penny has a question about ridding her Liriope beds of weeds. Lastly, Nathan talks about ways to observe your garden for dry soil and the best way to water. Don't know how much to water? Don't know how often to water? Don't worry, Nathan does!

Music in this episode:

Back In The Mountains by Brian Brigden

Drifting On by Jeff Andrew

In The Country by Natalie Germann

El Plantador by Baba Brinkman